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Pedagogy and education

Probin P.S. Criteria and Difficulties of Assessing Bachelors in Non-Professional Disciplines

Abstract: The object of research in this article is the assessment of students at higher school. The matter under study is tge criteria and difficulties of assessing bachelors in non-professional disciplines. Particular author’s attention is paid to specificity of non-professional disciplines as a constituent part of educational bachelor’s programmes and to analysis of assessing students in present practice. Assessment in exact sciences and Humanities and foreign language are analyzed separately. Assessing students is also presented in the context of their motivation for learning and orientation to professional activity. The method of research in the article is the analysis of current practice of assessing students including the author’s own experience. The main author’s conclusions in this article involve the following statements. 1) Peculiarities of assessing students depend on the specificity of a discipline. 2) Even though they do not directly form professional knowledge and skills, non-professional disciplines are still an important constituent part of bachelor’s curriculum in terms of the competence approach. 3) Nowadays school grades do not often reflect their actual knowledge and intellectual level and are a formality. The novelty of this article is in presenting problems of assessment at higher school on the basis of classification of disciplines and through the prism of students’ motivation for studies and their orientation at their future professional activity.


higher education, motivation, difficulties, criteria, non-professional disciplines, assessment, grades, foreign language, competence approach

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