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Chvyakin V.A. Psychological and pedagogical study of phenomenology of antidisciplinary behavior of adolescents

Abstract: 1. Social conditions of development play an important role in the formation of aggressive tendencies in an adolescent's behavior. Primarily, this should be judged in terms of relations: relationship of a person with his/her environment. An adverse social environment with long-term conflict situations, parental alcoholism, family members' aggression to each other, often cruelty - all these form the traits of affective explosiveness, anger, and hightened readiness for a conflict and conflict behavior. These traits will later form accentuated streaks. Therefore, a school psychologyst should pay attention to the social conditions of pupils development. Antidisciplinary behavior is most typical for teens living in unsatisfactory or not quite satisfactory social conditions.  Psychological and educational desolation of a child is considered to be the main criterion of unsatisfactory conditions of development. 2. The methodology of the research is based on the modern achievements of epistemology. The author uses the general philosophical and theoretical methods (dialectics, the system method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation), the traditional legal methods, and the methods used in sociological research.3. The main conclusions of the study concern the improvement of psychological and pedagogical research of phenomenology of antidisciplinary behavior of adolescents. Special contribution of the article consists in the continuation of the research of phenomenology of antidisciplinary behavior of adolescents, started by the author in previous editions, where he systematically revealed some problems of antidisciplinary behavior of adolescents.


antidisciplinary, disadaptation, development, social, consciousness, education, Family, work, child, people

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