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Philosophy and Culture

Sulakshin S.S. Civilizational Quantitative Profile of Russia

Abstract: The article is devoted to the definitions of criteria of civilization. According to the author, this criteria include driving values of man. Depending on the level of acceptance of these values, a partiular profile of civilizations is created. Initial values are the same for all civilizations. It is only the extent to whih the society accepts them which differs. The profile of the Russian civilization described by the author is compared to the graph of the country's vitality. The comparison of these parameters proves that at the moments of spiritual growth of Russia when the Russian nation get close to categorial man, the power and influence of Russia grow as well. The quantitative profile of the Russian civilization has been created based on surveys and expert evaluation. In his research Sulakshin uses historical and comparative approaches to compare values of different civilizations. The author offers a quantitative evaluation of civilizations which is a totally new approach to civilization studies. Based on this approach, Sulakshin provides a quantitative proof that Russia is not Europe but a completely different civilization. 


humanification (anthropomorphization), Russia, quantitative profile, expert evaluation, driving values, categorial man, values, civilization, ideal, vitality

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