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Administrative and municipal law

Agamagomedova S.A. Optimization of particular administrative procedures within protection of intellectual rights by custom authorities

Abstract: The subject of the research includes administrative procedures within the custom authorities' fulfilment of the state function of custom registration of intellectual property objects by the Federal Custom Service of Russia. The function in question includes a range of administrative procedures connected with receiving and consideration of the rightholders' applications, registration of intellectual property objects, excluding them from the Custom Register, amending of the Register, publication of the Register, informing custom authorities and interested parties of the Register, interaction between custom authorities and state authorities, citizens and organizations on the issues connected with the Register. The methodology of the research is based on the analysis of normative-legal acts in the sphere of transboundary protection of intellectual property rights and on the problem-chronological and structural methods. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the author is the first  who considers administrative procedures of custom authorities in the process of fulfilment of the function of intellectual property rights protection on the base of the mechanism of work with the Custom Register of Intellectual Property Objects of Russia. On the base of the research the author offers the measures of administrative procedures optimization. In the conclusion the author offers the directions of enhancement of the administrative procedures in question which can give the opportunity to simplify the interrelations between rightholders and custom authorities and to improve the efficiency of the existing mechanism of transboundary protection of intellectual property objects by custom authorities. 


custom authorities, administrative procedures, Custom register, Federal Custom Service of Russia, intellectual property, administrative regulation, Rospatent, optimization, rightholder, trademark

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