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Administrative and municipal law

Krylov O.M. Money circulation as an object of a state financial security

Abstract: The subject of the study contains the financial and legal rules regulating the public relations which develop mainly during the organization of the state financial security. Among the various objects of financial security of the state the area of monetary relations can be outlined, and its security gains a particular importance at the present day. The current organization of the state monetary circulation is impossible without the mechanisms such as the state financial security and national security because they serve as a guarantee of the constitutional rights, freedoms, adequate quality of life and living standards of citizens, sovereignty, territorial integrity and sustainable development of the state and its defense and security.The methodology is based on the dialectical method of scientific cognition of social, economic and legal phenomena in their interrelationship and interdependence. Reliability and validity of the results are achieved through the application of the integrated system-structural, comparative legal, formal legal and logical-theoretical methods, as well as the method of describing the concepts, analysis, synthesis, and other methods. The author concludes that the safety of the state is a monetary element of the national security. This is the condition of safety of the state from the internal or external threats which allows provision of sustainable and progressive development of its financial system in the process of money circulation, which in turn provides the constitutional rights, freedoms, adequate quality of life and living standards of citizens, sovereignty, territorial integrity and sustainable development of the Russian Federation, the defense and security of the state. Since it is impossible to consider money circulation in general as an object of the financial security of the state, the author proposes to use the category of "monetary security of the state" along with the category of "financial security of the state."


emission, activity, function, system, state, circulation, finance, security, money, economy

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