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Administrative and municipal law

Bakhtina M.S. The urgent problems of legal normative acts anti-corruption expertize by the public prosecution bodies of the Russian Federation

Abstract: The article is devoted to the disputable questions of the existing legal normative acts expertize by the public prosecution bodies of the Russian Federation. The research subject is a review expertise in the sphere of combating corruption. The author considers the peculiarities of corruptibility expertises carried out by the public prosecution bodies, and their difference from the expertises carried out by other bodies. The research contains the discussion about the role of the Investigating Committee of the Russian Federation in anti-corruption expertize. Special attention is paid to the assize, dealing with the Public Prosecutor’ office’s demands. The methodology of the research is based on the dialectical materialism and the universal general scientific methods of cognition: comparison, analysis, synthesis, and others. The author concludes that review expertise, held by the public prosecution bodies, is one of the most effective types of expertise due to the absence of its dependence on the authors of legal acts, on the one hand, and the regularity of anti-corruption expertize and, consequently, a wide experience in this sphere, on the other hand. In the conclusion the author proves the necessity of amending of part 1 art 251 of Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation “Filing Applications for Disputing Legal Normative Acts”


anti-corruption expertise, public prosecution bodies, peculiarities, independence, corruption, review expertise, legal normative acts, combating corruption, the Investigating Committee of the Russian Federat

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