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Administrative and municipal law

Sokolova O.S. Legal regulation of citizens’ participation in public control

Abstract: The article provides the assessment of forms of direct citizens’ participation in public control, reveals contradictions and gaps in a legal status of a public inspector. The article defines the correlation of general and sectoral legislative regulations dealing with citizens’ participation in public control, and the practice of regulation of this sphere in the regions of the Russian Federation; offers a comprehensive assessment of the mechanism of direct citizens’ participation in public control in the context of goals and forms of public control fixed in the federal and regional legislation. The research is based on the innovations of Russian law, correlation of content and goals of public control in the sectoral federal laws. The new public control model and the citizens’ place within it are determined by the priority of assessment-analytical goals of this activity over the goal of violations in public management revelation. But the sectoral and regional legislation regulations show the priority of legality provision in public management over the analysis and assessment of activities of different levels of authority. 


public control, civic control, public inspector, public expert, Civic Chamber, civic council, forms of control, public control subjects, public control grounds, assessment-analytical activity

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