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National Security

Sal'nikova A.V., Kalintsev S.V. Counterfeit products as a threat to economic security of the country

Abstract: Abstract: One of the goals of the “Concept of Long-term Socio-Economic Development of the Russian Federation for the Period up to the year 2020” is the security of citizens and society by support of a high level of national security and defense capability of the country, including economic and commodity security. Under the conditions of forming an innovational economy, where the leading role belongs to the human creative potential and intellect, the significant portion of the GDP is shifted towards the products that are a result of intellectual activity. The analysis of the volume and range of counterfeit products demonstrates its massive scale on the Russian market. One of the paramount national tasks becomes the complex and system-wide policy aimed at a fight against counterfeit products. As a result, the subject of this article defines provision of economic security of a nation as a key component of provision national security. The problem with counterfeit products on the Russian market is being reviewed from the positions of a systemic approach, which allows determining the scale and range of counterfeit products, types of threats, and the impact of counterfeit products upon the state of economic security of the country. The authors propose the implementation of product standardization as one of the effective instruments in a fight against counterfeit products on the Russian market. The article proves that the counterfeit products represent a direct threat to the economic security of the country.  


counterfeit, intellectual property, counterfeit sector of the economy, fake, anti-counterfeit policy, customs authorities, economic security, Customs Union, intellectual piracy, standardization

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