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Philosophy and Culture

Shugurov, M. V. Philosophical-Legal Concept of the Legitimacy of Law: Prospects for the Development

Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of the role of philosophy of law in overcoming the contemporary crisis of legitimacy. In this regard, it is important to discuss the legal idea of the legitimacy of law. The author’s analysis is initially based on the need to turn the philosophical-legal concept of the legitimacy of law into a system. In his article Shugurov proves that conceptualization of the phenomenon of the legitimacy of law can be a promising vector of the development of modern philosophy of law. It is quite obvious that all legitimacy forms are important within the framework of the legitimate social order but the legitimacy of law becomes especially important because it allows the social order to have stable frames and at the same time clarifies social and individual meaning of existence. The research methodology is based on a detailed analysis of different approaches to the phenomenon of the legitimacy of law. Moreover, the author also analyzes the definition ‘legitimacy’ from the point of view of philosophy of law and political philosophy using the comparative approach. In addition, Shugurov examines the legitimacy of law in terms of transformations in law caused by globalization processes. The novelty of the article is caused by the author’s conclusion that the target of modern philosophy of law is to create a system approach to the mechanisms of legitimacy and overcome the gaps caused by globalization processes. Consequently, theories of philosophy of law have a certain influence on the development of practical solutions. Shugurov also proves that the legitimacy of law is generally an extralegal phenomenon described by both the systems of law and law institutions from the point of view of the common sense and related legal provisions.


legitimacy, legality, power, law, social order, globalization, submission to law, crisis of legal awareness, legal order, legal values.

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