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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Nilogov, A. S. Anti-Language As a Clairvoyance in John Godolphin Bennett’s Nonverbal Communication

Abstract: In his article Nilogov examines the concept of ‘wordless communication’ that first appeared in the book ‘Transformation’ written by an English mathematician, engineer and psychologist John Bennett (1897 – 1974). As a synonym for ‘wordless communication, ’ Bennett used the term ‘anti-language’ that, in the conceptual meaning, was close to the philosophy of anti-language the philosophical discipline developed by the author of the article. The author offers his definition of anti-language as a combination of classes of anti-words that represent associated regions of partly or fully unenumerated existence. Analyzing Bennett’s definition of anti-language that was very close to the definition of telepathy, nonverbal communication and clairvoyance, Nilogov demonstrates similarities and differences between his own interpretation and Bennett’s concept and provides particular examples of classes of anti-words as an illustration. In his research Nilogov has used the methods of analysis, synthesis, hermeneutical methods, association method and interdisciplinary links between linguistics, psychology and philosophy. According to the author, Bennett’s concept of ‘nonverbal communication’ reveals only one aspect of anti-language philosophy and therefore cannot be identified as antilanguage. Thus, Nilogov offers new approaches to studying the inner world of human revealed through the phenomena of telepathy, nonverbal communication and anti-language.


Bennett, nonverbal communication, anti-language, philosophy of anti-language, wordless communication, telepathy, clairvoyance, Gurdjieff, anti-word, unconscious.

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