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Pedagogy and education

Artyukhin O.I. Interactive Teaching Methods When Preparing Students of Pedagogical Higher Education Institution for Professional Development of Their Personality

Abstract: In this article features of carrying out interactive lectures as an innovative form of education are explained. One of the principal shortcomings of a traditional lecture is a weak feedback, i.e. the absence of interactivity as it is. It is necessary to apply new approaches to giving lectures based on interactive technologies where training activity is carried out in the conditions of continuous, active interaction of all members of the educational process. In the article methods of the organization of main types of interactive lectures are provided: lectures with the analysis of speci􀏔ic situations, vizualization lectures, lectures using the feedback technique. The author examines examples of interactive lectures for bachelors majoring in the discipline ‘Pedagogical Education’, Faculty of Physics. In his article Artyukhin provides theoretical grounds and describes practical implementation of teaching methods that are based on the bilateral feedback and creative interaction of all actors of the educational process. The author also gives examples of lectures and shows that the knowledge and skills obtained during such lectures are more profound, better systematized, longer remembered and easier implemented. As a result, this signi􀏔icantly increases students’ interest in the discipline and improves their professional skills.


interactive lecture, dialogue, visualization, higher school, elective courses, physics, pedagogical education, interactivity, interactive technologies, rural school.

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