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Administrative and municipal law

Berlizov M.P. The problems of administrative procedure of the legislation in the sphere of cultural heritage objects application (Krasnodarskiy kray case study)

Abstract: The author analyzes the administrative proceedings of public authorities in the sphere of cultural heritage in some particular cases (harmonization of projects, licensure of preservation works, carrying out historical-cultural expertise, organization of state protection) and the procedure of appeal against these proceedings. The article reveals the essential problems of the process of appeal (legal expertise), of the legislation in the sphere of cultural heritage objects (relating to regulation of particular actions), of the competencies of the authorized bodies (including the abuse of authority). The author uses the general scientific methods: from the abstract to the concrete, induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis, the comparative-legal method, the system approach. The scientific originality is based on the very formulation of the problem in this sphere, in carrying out of the comparative analysis of the existing legislation and the judicial and administrative practice of this legislation application and in the solutions suggested: the necessity of legal expertise in such cases, the prohibition of substitution of the authorized body by the court, the shortening of the list of “discretionary” authorities of a public body, and of the legislative support of some terms.


cultural heritage object, appeal, administrative procedure, discretionary authorities, corruption factor, historical- cultural expertise, preservation works, inclusion in the list, subject of protection, restrictions/burdens.

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