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Administrative and municipal law

Kharitonov A.N. Legal regulation of combating raider takeovers

Abstract: The research subjects are legal and organizational methods of combating raider takeovers. It is noted that this problem undermines economic security of the Russian Federation, creates problems for the development of Russian business and industry. The research object is the sphere of social relations which occur in connection with combating raider takeovers. This article considers penal and administrative-legal means of combating raider takeovers, and the special attention is paid to the enhancement of law-enforcement bodies activities in the sphere in question. The methodology of the research is based on the up-to-date achievements of epistemology. The author uses the theoretical, general philosophical methods, and the methods which are used in special sociological research. The problem in question is being solved neither in theory, nor in practice. It is noted that in Russia the wide spread practice of raider takeovers, based on illegal and administrative coercion, is a serious problem of the state level and needs urgent measures of legal and organizational character. The originality of the research consists of the particular suggestions of anti-raider legislation enhancement.


raider, raider takeovers, property, takeover, responsibility, coercion, the police, crime, development, Code of administrative offences.

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