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Philosophy and Culture

Storcheus, N. V. Historiosophic Ideas of Russian ‘Badents’ in Terms of Interpretation of the History of Russia

Abstract: Objectives of historical-philosophical research directly relate to the study of the adoption of world philosophy achievements by the Russian philosophical thought. This makes Russian neo-Kantianism to be an important topic to be under research because to understand Russian history, it is necessary to reconstruct each historical-philosophical movement. The object of research is the creative heritage of S. Hessen, F. Stepun, B. Yakovenko and their thoughts on the historical fate of Russia constitute the subject of research. The methodology of research involves the integrated historical and philosophical analysis of existing sources. In addition, the author has also used the inductive (from particular cases to the overall picture), biographic (to study life and ideology of the philosophers expressed in their private papers), comparative (to compare philosophers’ views within this philosophical school as well as with other philosophical schools) and logic research methods as well as general principles of historical philosophy to trace back the genesis of the ideas. Historical action will always remain an important issue for a discussion and therefore thoughts of S. Hessen, F. Stepun and B. Yakovenko on the historical fate of Russia are topical, too. In this research Storcheus demonstrates that the term ‘historiosophy’ gains an additional connotation and is understood as a holistic approach to the history on the fate and destiny of Russia. Such an approach may go beyond the scope of both history and philosophy.


Baden school, neo-Kantianism, Russian philosophy, philosophy of history, historiosophy, F. Stepun, V. Yakovenko, S. Hessen, Wilhelm Windelband, Heinrich Rickert.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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