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Philosophy and Culture

Prokofiev, V. N. Epistemology of Power: Potential of Philosophical Methodology for the Legal Political Analysis of the Institution of Presidency

Abstract: In his article Prokofiev points out that not all aspects of activity of presidency as an integrated institution of state authority can be regulated by legal and political means. In itself, scientific research of this institution is closely connected with the attempt of the humanity to solve the philosophical problem about creation an ideal legal model of state authority organization. In this regard, the purpose of the present article is to prove that it is possible to apply the method of epistemological analysis to studying the phenomenon of presidency. Using the methods of historical and comparative analysis Prokofiev demonstrates the fact that today the human mind is still rather blind in understanding the institution of presidency. Such understanding ‘degrades’ the nature of politics and law as the part of presidency and distorts it which, in its turn, hinders the evolutionary development. The novelty of the article is in viewing the institution of presidency as a phenomenon that was initially based on the philosophical-epistemological grounds and reflection. Therefore, the author of the article states that detachment of the institute of presidency from these elements contradicts to the nature of the phenomenon itself. In his research Prokofiev compares the epistemological paradigm with the rational paradigm as well as capacities of the legal political instruments when analyzing this phenomenon. According to the author, multi-paradigmality and inter-disciplinary basis of the reflective process associated with the phenomena prove that it can be a good topic for other researches. Applying the systems approach to analyzing philosophical categories, Prokofiev makes an assumption that each ‘paradigm’ locus and each element of the institution of presidency have their own epistemology and ontology. The epistemological approach offered by the author of the article is new and may turn out to be rather efficient because it has a complex methodology and allows to catalyze the evolution of the institution of presidency by better understanding elements of presidency and combining institutional and non-institutional factors of its development. At the same time, Prokofiev admits that this approach has certain drawbacks as a methodological instrument of analysis, too.


episteme, institution of presidency, President of the Russian Federation, presidency, epistemology of power, epistemological competence, legal political reflection, reflection of governance, evolution of the institution of presidency, philosophical analysis.

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