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Pedagogy and education

Pozdnyakova, U. S. Using Foreign Experience of Socio-Cultural Entertainment with the Involvement of Children

Abstract: The present article is devoted to studying the experience of foreign states in using entertaining activities for solving problems of arranging and performing entertainment of children at sports and health centers as the part of measures preventing deviant and delinquent behavior. Pozdnyakova performs the analysis of European and American experience in entertaining activities involving children as well as the experience of a number of foreign states (both developed and developing countries). Pozdnyakova develops a set of recommendations on how to use foreign experience of entertaining activities with the involvement of underage children at sports and health centers for children in the Russian Federation. The researcher has used the following research methods: comparative analysis and historical analysis, associations, logical, statistical and sociological analysis and synthesis.


deviant behavior, delinquent behavior, organization, functioning, foreign experience, the system of preventive measures, sports and health center for children, entertaining activity, problems.

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