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Software systems and computational methods

Chernukha V.N., Kasterskiy S.M., Aprel’skiy E.N., Zamyatin V.G., Kurenkov A.S. Mathematical modeling of the pressure regulator in the aircraft cabin

Abstract: the authors in detail review pneumatic pressure regulator, which is has essential value for on-board systems of aircraft oxygen supply in order to build a mathematical model of the regulator. The subject of the study is building a mathematical model of pneumatic pressure regulator considering factors having a significant impact on vital functions and work of the flight crew. This ensured the construction of adequate mathematical models, describing the functioning of pneumomechanical pressure regulator in the cabin of aircrafts, which are essential for safety in high-altitude flights. Mathematical modelling of pressure regulator considering factors having a significant impact on vital functions and work of the flight crew: factors that characterize the atmospheric space as a habitat for the crew; factors related to the dynamics of flight; factors related to various types of emergencies in case of which the flight becomes impossible. The study of the mathematical model built allowed the authors to identify that: dry friction of the main valve significantly impairs the dynamics of the regulator, but has almost no effect on its static error; dry friction of the control valve significantly increases the static error of the controller, but has almost no effect on the dynamics of the regulator; the presence of self-oscillations of small amplitude and high frequency together with the elimination of the dead zone of the controller changes the structure of dry friction, removing the dry static friction etc. The results obtained are essential for the design of aircraft life support systems.


life support system, high-altitude flights, aviation cybernetics, pneumatic mechanical regulator, preasure regulator, model of dry friction, model of pneumatic regulator, computational experiment, transition functions, oxygen supply system

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