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Administrative and municipal law

Admiralova, I. A. Administrative-Law Support for Individuals’ Rights and Freedoms in Police of Foreign Countries

Abstract: This article considers the legal and organizational aspects of improving the efficiency of police of foreign countries in the form of procuring the rights and freedoms of individuals in the sphere of internal affairs while giving some attention to the number of legal and organizational problems which must be resolved in order to increase the efficiency and procure the most appropriate mode of operation of police in procuring the rights and freedoms of individuals. Improvement of the efficiency of Russian police, in the direction under consideration, will make it possible to improve the quality of all of the police work and will contribute to overall growth of the legality and discipline in the work of policemen. . Methodologically, this article is based on the modern achievements of the research theory. In this research, the author used theoretical, general philosophical methods (dialectics, systematic method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), conventional legal methods (formal logic) and the methods used in specific sociological research (statistical, expert review etc.). Without the regulatory and protective aspects of administrative law it is impossible to imagine the work of the law enforcement authorities whose objective is to procure public safety, protect public order ad protect and defend the rights and lawful interests of the public. Administrative law as a branch of legal regulation makes it possible to unite various orders providing a flexible and systematic way of influencing different public relationships regardless of where they are formed.


rights, person, citizen, protection, procurement, police, policeman, guarantee, responsibility, influence.

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