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Gryaznova E.V., Esakova I.N. Corporate informational culture within the healthcare management

Abstract: The subject of this research is the development of the concept and structure of the corporate informational culture of the medical facilities within the system of healthcare management. In order to bring this research to life it is necessary to solve a number of problems: 1. Review informational culture as a part of human culture based on informational cooperation. 2. Develop structure of corporate informational culture as a type of corporate culture. 3. Develop the structure of corporate informational culture within medical facilities as a type of activity. 4. Define the notion of the corporate informational culture of the medical facilities. The main methodological approaches that were used in this research were the activity, and structural-functional approaches, as well as the principles of dialectics. The research yielded the following results: informational culture is a part of a human culture, which forms upon the informational correlation and informational socialization of an individual; the structure of the informational corporate culture within the system of the human culture is presented in three main elements — informational, operational and motivational subsystems, which are a product of the corporate medical culture as a social phenomenon; the specificity of the informational corporate culture is evident in the fact that it forms and establishes through the informational activity. As a result, the knowledge, skill and orientation necessary for the creation of the required level of medical corporate culture can be passed on and developed only through the use of modern information technologies; the structure of a corporate informational culture in medical facilities as a type of activity is presented in form of a system, in which all elements carry informational character — subject, object, means, environment, conditions, process, system, and result. Informational corporate culture of medical facilities is a system of generally accepted knowledge institutions, skills and orientation, which form and being transmitted based on the informational cooperation aimed at realization of medical work that creates unique image of the medical facility.


Healthcare management, medical activity, corporate culture, informational corporate culture, informational culture, informational society, informational support of healthcare system, values, informational cooperation, medical facility.

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