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Administrative and municipal law

Shishkina, A.V. Theoretical foundations of the regional administrative supervision.

Abstract: The article contains analysis of the legislation in the sphere of regional control (supervision) and practice of its implementation within the framework of administrative reform of the legislation. It is established that in the spheres of both the delegated competence and in the sphere of direct competence of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation in the sphere of regional state supervision the legal regulation is implemented through the federal legislative acts. Regulation of the issues concerning organization of regional state control (supervision) in the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation is mostly implemented via by-laws and only five constituent subjects have adopted regional laws on these matters. In some constituent subjects of the Russian Federation the control competence is provided to the regional public institutions, which is against para. 1, 4 of Art. 2 of the Federal Law N. 294-FZ, and the conflict of laws should be dealt with. The article provides characteristic features of regional administrative supervision, its main definitions, value, history, functions, goals and practice of its implementation. The provided analysis of current normative legal acts in the sphere of regional state control (supervision) and practice of its application clearly shows the urgent need for its further improvement, which shall have a direct influence upon the results of the reform of the entire system of state administration. The list of types of regional state control, which are to be implemented by the executive bodies of constituent subjects of the Russian Federation is currently excessive. It may be supposed that it overwhelms the resources and management potential of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation. That is why, it is proposed to develop measures in order to limit the types of regional control.


administrative supervision regional administrative supervision, competence, objects of competence, regulation, administrative regulation, law, constituent subject of the Russian Federation, state government body, supervision.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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