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Politics and Society

Rozin, V. M. Communication and Sociality

Abstract: The author of the article analyzes the two main explanations of social communication and its role for the society. In order to understand the relation between communication and sociality and society the author analyzes several cases (explanations of the eclipse by ancient people, the ‘Donor’ project, act of terrorism on September 11 and the phenomenon of fashion). The results of the analysis demonstrate that communication and sociality are the two sides of one whole. Moreover, the author demonstrates that under current conditions communication does not only make an independent practice but also develops in very specifi c environments, in particular, technological and institutional environments. The conducted research is based on the methods of case analysis and comparative analysis as well as cultural and methodological reenactment of particular cases that have been selected especially for the present research. As a result, the researcher demonstrates that the current explanations of the relation between communication and sociality are not satisfactory. Cultural studies and methodology explain this relation much better. Within their framework, it is possible to make a hypothesis not only about the unity of communication and sociality but also about their technological and constitutional grounds in this day and age.


Communication, society, society, schemes, reality, institution, technology, actor, publisher, audience.

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