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Administrative and municipal law

Semenov, A.S. The bases for the interaction between the prosecution, state government and municipal bodies.

Abstract: The object of studies involves the mutually coordinated activities of the prosecution and the state government bodies, municipal bodies in the sphere of guaranteeing lawfulness (which is characterized by principles and conditions of the relations among the subjects, as well as by their goals, purposes, object and subject), of the term \"interaction\" from the standpoint of various branches of science depending on the specificities of the activities of the participants (prosecutors, officials and other staff in the said bodies), of the main directions of interaction and its mechanisms, which may be divided into several levels. In the process of studies the author mostly involved sociological method, since interactions between the prosecutors and the staff of the state and municipal bodies are implemented within the framework of the society, and they are based upon their relations. Interaction between the prosecutors, state and municipal bodies is an interrelated temporally and territorially coordinated joint activity, which is based upon common goals and aims, which are directed on guaranteeing rule of law, implemented within the framework of law and within the spheres of competence of these bodies via means and methods typical for each of them.


vzaimodeistvie, prokuratura, organy gosudarstvennoi vlasti, tseli, zadachi, mekhanizm, napravleniya, osnovy

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