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Politics and Society

Vladimirova, T. V. New Social Mobilities as the Practice of Information Security Enforcement

Abstract: The article concerns new social mobilities in terms of practices of informant security enforcement. A social actor responsible for information security, on one hand, provides for protection of information and protection against information and, on the other hand, develops the orientation at the external information environment because his resources need to be constantly renovated under the conditions of changing social reality. In these circumstances the intensity of renovation of information resources is constantly increasing according to the growing intensity of information fl ows which, in its turn, leads to faster deterioration of information. In these circumstances the mobility practices are good security practices. Theoretical and methodological basis of the research includes social-philosophical and sociological theories. In particular, T. Vladimirova uses the concept of social mobility offered by John Urry and the theory of the object-centered sociality introduced by Karin Knorr-Cetina. New mobility practices that constitute today’s network and fl ow mythology of the social world are viewed by the researcher as general practices of information security enforcement. The concept of their organization is partially revealed through the ideas of channels, tunnels and fl ows in John Urry’s works. T. Vladimirova notes that new mobilities need to be understood and used as practices of information security enforcement of national forces under the conditions of a growing number of fl ows and networks. The essential aspect of new mobilities is a high intensity of communication demonstrated in the pace and variety of interactions. Noteworthy that a typical attribute of new mobilities is the objectualization of relations and the appearance of the ‘object-centered reality’ (Karin Knorr-Cetina’s term).


New mobility practices, information security enforcement, high intensity of communication, object-centered sociality, channels, tunnels, flows, networks, general security practices, network security practices.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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