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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Reznik, Yu. M. Self and the Other in Terms of Trans-Regional Interaction

Abstract: The subject under research of the present article is the regional communications between Self and the Other. ‘Self’ and ‘the Other’ (or ‘existence with the other’) is viewed by the author as the core of the personal reality or personal expression of the cultural interaction. A region means a limited territory of the personal reality of one or several individuals sharing the same spirits, mutual respect or outward resemblance of cultural styles and standards of life. The author shows that Self and the Other create a difficult combination of different regions: external and internal, remote and near ones. He also describes the images of Others that interact with an individual’s Self (Us, Them, Fiend, Foe) and modify the Self. The distance between Self and the Other depends on the level of involvement or non-involvement into each other’s life. Otherness represents a human ability to be different and to remain himself at the same time. The author bases his research on phenomenological methodology aimed at revealing the meanings of human existence and its main methods such as reduction, construction and deconstruction. By using the aforesaid methods, the author step by step creates the inside picture of the trans-regional interaction between Self and the Other. The novelty of the research is in describing the regions of co-existence of Self and the Other from the point of view of their differences and similarities. The author’s approach to describing the main regions of human co-existence is absolutely new. This is also the first research in Russian scientific literature to describe the two forms/models of otherness that particularly describe the details of Self-and-the Other existence: existence with the Other subject self and existence with the Other object self.


phenomenology, phenomenological method, reduction, construction, deconstruction, human, co-existence, region, Myself, the Other.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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