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Trends and management

Karyakin, V.V. Natural resources of the Arctic region – source of conflict genesis and a challenge to regional stability.

Abstract: This article is devoted to growing activities of the Arctic states in economic and military spheres aiming to control large territories of the Arctic basin for the further development of transportation ways and natural resources in this region. Special attention is paid to the policy of the USA and Russia in the sphere of support of their national interests in the Arctic region. The main condition for the sustainable development of economics involves its natural resources as its guarantees. This condition shall remain in the near future in spite of intensive search for the alternative energy sources. The methodological basis for the studies involves systemic, systemic structural, geopolitical and cultural civilization approach, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, modeling, observation. Thanks to the large amount of the explored hydrocarbons and shorter maritime and airborne ways of communications attracts attention of the developed states and transnational companies. It causes aggravation of disputes regarding limits of economic zones of the Arctic states and activates military activities in this region. At the same time the states outside the Arctic group attempt to gain rights to the development of the Arctic subsoil resources. These factors cause threats to regional stability and security.


politics, management, international relations, Arctic region, Russia the Northern Sea Route, the Western pass, natural resources, the USA.

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