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Pedagogy and education

Baksansky, O. E. Convergence of Knowledge, Technology and Society: Strategic Targets of the NBICS-Convergence

Abstract: The author of the present research article develops cognitive researches and makes an attempt apply a completely new approach thereto. On the one hand, this approach is used to study mental processes by applying neuroscience, physiology and molecular biology, and on the other hand, attract experts from different social and humanitarian branches of science. The NBIC abbreviation refers to bringing together nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology and cognitive science. The first analytical research devoted to the NBIC2-convergence (i.e. the convergence beyond the scope of the NBIC-convergence) was published in 2013. Since the research was focused on discussions and recommendations regarding how social prospects can be taken into account in this intersection, the abbreviation CKTS is now used along with the NBIC2 abbreviation (Convergence of knowledge and technology for the benefit of society). The author of the article also analyzes possibilities and social and economic risks of convergent technologies. Nanotechnology, biotechnology, information, cognitive and social technologies (NBICS) play the main role in the development of convergent tools that mutually form the general CKTS platform. In the 21st century a new scientific picture of the world is being formed: • Analytical approach to understanding the structure of the material is replaced with the synthetic approach. Interdisciplinary researches are dominating and variety of such researches is increasing; • these researches start to perform integrative functions towards other sciences; sciences about organic and non-organic nature grow closer and integration of sciences acquire the trans-disciplinary nature; • differentiation of a particular branch of science happens at the moment when the integration process becomes dominating; • differentiation and integration processes are weaved into one integration and differentiation synthesis; and the interaction between internal unity and external unity of science is reinforced and therefore the line between them becomes indistinguishable. This paradigm of scientific knowledge can be called ‘convergent’.


convergent technologies, complexity, non-sectoral technologies, sectoral technologies, convergent paradigm, CKTS-convergence, NBICS-convergence, NBIC-convergence, NBIC2-technologies, dangers and risks.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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