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Administrative and municipal law

Tyulegenov, A.E. Municipal democracy as a mechanism for implementation of local self-government.

Abstract: The article contains analysis of the approaches towards definition and contents of the municipal democracy in Russia as well as the correlation between the municipal democracy and local self-government. The author also defines the forms of direct democracy, guaranteeing the most comprehensive participation of the people in managing the public life. The object of studies involves the municipal self-government bodies as the basis for the formation and development of the municipal declaration institutions, while the immediate object is the political connection of society within the framework of development of the rule-of-law state. The methodology of the topical studies involved analysis of the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as comparison of the opinions of the legal scholars on these issues. Based upon the materials the author draws a conclusion that there is need to combine both declaration forms. Taking into account the above-said matter, the following conclusion is substantiated: the goal of municipal democracy as a mechanism for the implementation of municipal self-government is development of the rule of the people, spread of manifestations of civil initiative, involvement of the population of a municipal unit in the process of managing the local affairs. Citizens should have a right to implement municipal self-government in all of its elements, namely, in all of the municipal units where the people are resident and in all of the spheres of local life. The article may be of practical value in the legal studies and politics for the purpose of development of people’s rule, participation of citizens at the regional level in the active social life.


local self-government, political norm, legal institution, rule-of-law state, representative democracy, municipal democracy, constitution, human rights, civil society, public government.

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