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National Security

Ovcharov, A.O. Research-and-Development spending as an indicator of economic security.

Abstract: The article includes analysis of the correlation between the innovative development in Russia and economic security guarantees. The author sets a goal to apply economic security theory and its indicative system to the specific features of organization of scientific research activity. Additionally, the author studies the tendencies and problems of R&D financing in Russia as a key indicator of innovation security. The author interprets the Russian and foreign statistical data regarding state spending on science, and he analyzes the typology of innovatively active companies, as well as their competitiveness. The article involved general scientific analysis methods (analysis, abstract-logical method, etc.), as well as special scientific statistical method for the analysis of dynamics and structure of spending on research and development. It is substantiated in the article that the amount of R&D financing is an element of an indicator system for economic security. Based upon the analysis of the Russian statistical data the author draw a conclusion on contradictory tendencies in the financing of the Russian science. The author shows the place of Russia in the global system in respect of domestic spending on research and development. He also reveals the role of introducing novel features in the activities of modern enterprises and discusses the problems in the R&D organization.


innovative development, economic security, public spending, innovations, research and development, federal budget, threats, indicator system, enterprise.

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