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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Boyko, D. V. The Fear to Be or the Courage to be Afraid

Abstract: As an existential emotion, fear has a special place in human life. The subject under research is the development of fear concepts both by psychoanalysts and existential philosophers. The author of the article describes the main views on the problem, peculiarities of developing a theory of fear and the role of the term ‘fear’ in different researches. Fearshows itself in different situations and has a universal ontological meaning. The author tries to show different sides of fear as the emotion felt in the process of personality formation. Using the method of hermeneutic analysis of texts, the author studies reasons and sources of fear as well as particular ways to overcome it. Courage is one’s ability to prove human existence plays a special role in the process of overcoming fear. Only courage can help one to cope with the fear of existence. The author also makes a hypothesis about a beneficial effect of anxiety on the formation of one’s personality and human in general.


fear, awe, horror, anxiety, courage to be, death, personality, existentialism, psychoanalysis, freedom.

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