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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Dolgopolova, I. V. Methods for Evaluating the Style of Academic Activity: Experience of Research and Implementation

Abstract: The author of the article underlines the need for development of tools of evaluating universal educational actions in the conditions of introduction new Federal State Education Standards in elementary education. The author provides a summary of diagnostic tools for evaluating educational activity that are usually applied in psychology and teaching. Results of development and standardization of a special method aimed at evaluating a style of educational activity of younger school students – QSEA (questionnaire of style of educational activity) with use of the correlation and factorial analysis are presented. The advantage of the aforesaid questionnaire is in its coherence with meta-disciplinary results of educational activity: cognitive, regulatory and communicative actions. The method passed standardization according to standard procedures. Psychometric test of QSEA proves that it is possible to use the questionnaire at public schools for the complex assessment of style of educational activity as an indicator of educational activity. The method allows elementary school teachers to conduct independent monitoring of formation of universal educational actions of school students and to use the results in correction of their educational activity.


Federal State Education Standards, universal educational actions, educational activity, style of educational activity, standardization of a method, meta-discipline results, cognitive actions, regulatory actions, communication actions, QSEA.

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