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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Rozin, V. M. Fear and Anxiety: the Nature of the Phenomenon

Abstract: The author of the article analyzes the phenomena of fear and anxiety. The author tries to refuse from the naturalistic understanding of fear as a natural psychic process. The author shows that fear is caused, on one hand, by human activity and, on the other hand, by personality structure and orientation. The author offers his own theoretical explanation of fear and anxiety in terms of the author’s teaching about ‘psychic realities’ where he uses the terms ‘scheme (pattern)’, ‘immediate reality’, derivatives of reality’, pyramid of reality’ and ‘counter reality’. Somatic reactions and emotions associated with the phenomena under discussion are explained by the author as a result of blocked realities and the loss of management from the side of schemes. Speaking about the method, the author starts with psychoanalysis and then overcame it based on the methodology, semiotics, cultural studies and psychological teaching about personality. In addition, he applies such procedures as problematisation, comparative analysis and theoretical construction. Based on the analysis carried out, the author criticizes the naturalistic interpretation of fear and anxiety and provides his own explanation of the phenomena from the point of view of the psychotechnical approach. This allows to create a new understanding of fear and anxiety and show that these phenomena can be applied by human in a way he needs it.


fear, anxiety, activity, life, scheme (pattern), reality, direct reality, blocking, management, life activity.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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