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International relations

Borodin, E.A. The noosphere theory of V.I. Vernadskiy as a basic platform for the theory and methodology of noo-vitism.

Abstract: The characteristic feature of the process of humanity leaving the stage of civilization and information society and entering the noosphere stage is the development of scientific, technical, social, ethical, moral, and cultural potential. Currently the vastness of human mind becomes more and more manifest, and it forms a special attitude towards people and their environment in the search for the reasonable solution of the current nature management problems, harmonization of the relations with the natural environment, achievement of the sustainable development of the humanity in the future, resolution of the global contradictions and international conflicts based upon the reasonable (noo-vita) approach. The noo-vitism as a modern movement in the noosphere teachings is a result of development of the ideas of V.I. Vernadskiy in their application to the modern community, which is rapidly globalizing and uniting knowledge and intellectual potential within the common geo-informational field, just as it was predicted by Vernadskiy. It may be stated that there is an active process of formation of the global noosphere, but there is a “but”. While uniting and consolidating knowledge and intellectual resources into the intellectual capital, which may be converted into material profit in any place in the world, the humanity forgets that the main basis and element for the formation of the noosphere environment is the mind, which makes people live and act reasonably, follow the reasonable lifestyle. This principle and this lifestyle give rise to a new concept, which is manifested in different spheres, starting with private life and ending with the global policy – the theory and methodology of noo-vitism.


international relations, politics, Vernadskiy, noosphere, mind, diplomacy, noo-vitism, values, security.

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