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Administrative and municipal law

Sergeev, D.B. Populated territory as a characteristic feature of a municipal entity.

Abstract: The article regards populated territory as an obligatory element (characteristic feature) of a municipal entity, and any public law entity. Within the framework of this research the populate territory of a municipal entity is studied as territorial limits to the jurisdiction of the municipal entity structures. The author compares quantity characteristics of states, constituent subjects of a federation and municipal entities (municipalities). The author discusses the means of providing for the boundaries (limits) to the municipal entities in the legislation of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation, studying the improvement of the legal regulation of municipal territorial formation of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation within the context of social, economic and budget systems of the state. The article includes analysis of a municipal entity as a type of public law entity. Territory of a municipal entity is studied as a legal matter. In the opinion of the author the problem of lack of owned resources in most municipal entities may not be resolved solely by the improvement of legal regulation of municipal territorial structure of the constituent subject of the Russian Federation, since these problems have appeared out of contradictions within the general social, economic and budget systems of the state.


municipal law, local self-administration, municipal entity, boundaries of a municipal entity, territory of a municipal entity, municipal territorial structure, laws of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation, public law entity, populated territory, resources of a municipal entity.

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