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International relations

Filippov, V.R. The heart of the Black Africa: a planned coronary

Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of the events taking place in the Central African Republic (CAR), within the context of the general processes of destabilization of the political situation in the former French Africa. The CAR is going through a deep constitutional crisis, which is followed by the insurrections, civil war and armed interference of the foreign military contingents – the military forces of the French Republic, since its military presence is traditionally responsible for peace-keeping and support of political stability in its former colonies. The article provides a detailed analysis of the causes and evolution of the Central African crisis, obviously demonstrating the fact that currently the insurrections in many former French Africa states, which were previously regarded as sustainably peaceful, such as Mali and the CAR, have common causes and bases, which were formed throughout a long period of time, partially due to the miscalculations of the great nation states, such as France, in this region. The comparative study involves the methodology of the systemic, structural functional, comparative historical analysis, which are especially topical in the conditions of the African Continent. The novelty of the results of the studies is due to the topicality and lack of sufficient studies of the crisis, including the development of the discussion regarding the nature of the modern “failed states”. Within the broader framework the war in the CAR is a unfolding re-colonization of Africa, the fight between “old” and “new” actors in the political process for the African resources. In this respect the events in the Central Africa have the dangerous potential of political destabilization for the entire continent.


international relations, foreign policy, Africa, the Central African Republic, France, insurrection, conflict, interests, security, the UN.

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