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Politics and Society

Vladimirova, T. V. The Intensity Level of Communication as the Criterion of Information Security

Abstract: The subject under review is the intensity of communication as a criterion of information security of an individual where information security is understood as the safety of social practices in the information environment by the means of new mobilities and orientations of social networks under the conditions of growing intensity of informational fl ows and information deterioration. This approach allows to outline a social external contour of the idea of information security and keep to the traditional and more technological defi nition of the information security as the “protection of information and protection against information”. The theoretical and methodological basis of research includes the theories of social philosophy and social studies. In particular, the author bases his research on V. Muravyev’s, Alvin Toffl er’s and Zygmunt Bauman's ideas as well as the theory of mobilities offered by John Urry and etc. The author claims that the most important aspect of the new social mobility is the high intensity of communication expressed in the speed and variety of interaction. Temporal characteristics of social practice have a direct bearing on information security provided by an individual. The ‘ladder’ of actors; people of the past, present and future; the man of space and the man of time are all metaphors of actors with different intensity of information interaction with the world. The higher the intensity level (speed and variety) of communication performed by an individual is, the more his practices are protected under the conditions of growing informational fl ows and information deterioration.


communication intensity, information security, criterion of information security, temporal characteristics of practice, new social mobilities, safety practices, growth of informational fl ows, information (data) deterioration, growth of situational temporality, acceleration of changes.

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