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Philosophy and Culture

Fatenkov, A. N. Feeling the Past in the Situation of the End of History

Abstract: The author of the article discusses life acquisitions and losses related to the processes and states of violence and nonviolence of human against his mind and of the mind against human. The author outlines the rational borders of the existential experience and discusses the conceptual relations between different ideas, history, eternity, time, past and present. Fatenkov also reveals the special features of the mental or theoretical reenactment of the historical process. He also views and specifies the phenomenon of the end of history and analyzes special features of historiography. According to the author, one’s attitude to the ‘echo of Stalinism’ demonstrates how one feels about the actual past of Russia. Methodological basis of the article is the existential realism and dialects. The author views social historical experience as an essential part of one’s existential experience. According to the author, existential realism offers quite rational views on the end of history and at the same time denies scenarios of the end of history that are too ideology-driven. Only the two scenarios are accepted, the catastrophic and apocalyptic ones. The main feature of reenactment of the past in the situation of the end of history is the tendency towards shortening the distance between the interpreter and the events as well as collapsing of the time gap between particular events.


present, past, event, existential, feeling, experience, human, history, historiography, the end of history.

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