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Pedagogy and education

Savina, O. N., Pyanova, M. V. Forms and Methods of Involving Students into Scientific Research Under the Conditions of Implementation of the Competency Building Approach to Education

Abstract: The need for new forms of work with students is dictated by the modern development trends in the general educational process at a University caused by social and economic changes in Russia as well as the demand for modernization of many social institutions including the system of education. Today it is very important to trace new knowledge in order to catch up with the science-driven development and offer one’s own point of view if necessary. The authors of the present research article share their experience in using new forms and methods of organizing student’s research activity. The aforesaid goal requires a search for the best ways of adaptation of students to the modern social environment. The Fair of Scientific ideas and Internet discussions are a great example. Using such forms of organizing research activity of students, we can talk about a certain logic of implementation of the competency building approach allowing to combine traditional forms of research with innovative methods more efficiently. The authors have three years of experience in using the aforesaid methods with student and therefore an offer an approximate order and schedule of such activities.


competence, educational process, innovative forms, modernization of education, Internet discussion, fair of scientific ideas, competency building approach, work with students, innovative methods, virtual discussion.

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