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Administrative and municipal law

Akopdzhanova, M.O. Implementation of the principle of supremacy of law in legislation and law-enforcement activities

Abstract: The current Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993 has enshrined the international legal principle of supremacy of law among the provisions forming the fundamentals of the constitutional structure of the state. Having the status of an international and a constitutional principle, this principle formed the basis for the federal, regional and local legislation. In order to achieve further implementation of the principle of supremacy of law, a number of norms of the current Russian legislation need to be clarified, first of all, in respect to narrowing the “evaluative” category in legislation. In this article the author evaluates the possible options for clarification of dispositions of legal norms in order to guarantee uniformity of law-enforcement practice. Methodological basis for this study included the combination of general and specific scientific methods for cognition of objective social and legal reality within the field of study: the methods of analysis, synthesis, systemic method, generalization method, formal logical, statistical and sociological methods were used. The article includes evaluation and analysis of the most significant aspects and elements of international principle of the supremacy of law and specific features of its interpretation in the Russian legislation. In the process of studies based upon the analysis of the legal practice, the author revealed existing problems within the sphere of functioning of this principle, and proposed the means to resolve them.


right, supremacy, law, law-enforcement activity, principle, international acts, norms of the Russian law, dispositions of criminal law norms, improvement, uniformity of legal practice.

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