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Trends and management

Kulba, V.V., Shultz, V.L., Shelkov, A.B., Mikrin, V.E. Methods of formation and use of various types of reserve in the sphere of agricultural production management.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of a complex of issues regarding efficiency improvement in the sphere of planning and management of an agricultural production. With the use of the apparatus of the graph theory the authors formally define structural and technological reserve for technological operation and technological scheme as a combination of technological operations. The authors also provide the results of the analysis of the key characteristic features of the structural technological reserve, including, cost, efficiency and flexibility. The authors analyze two types of natural climatic reserve in agricultural production. They introduce the definition of two types of environmental and physiological reserve for various emergency situations in agricultural production, as well as hydro-meteorological matters and processes, such as draughts, dry hot winds, over-moistening, influence of lower temperatures, freezing out, water and wind erosion, parasites, plant diseases, etc. The authors provide detailed evaluation of the factors influencing a certain type of reserve, being formally defined as a matrix. Based upon the acquired characteristic features, the authors develop propositions for the use of various types of reserve for re-planning in emergency situations.


management, agricultural production, planning, re-planning, structural and technological reserve, natural and climatic reserve, environmental and physiological reserve, emergency situation, graphs theory, monitoring.

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