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Pedagogy and education

Pozdnyakova, U. S. Principles of Organization and Functioning of Animated Activity in the System of Education, Up-Bringing and Organization of Children’s Leisure Time

Abstract: The present article is devoted to studying the principles of organization and functioning of animated activity in the system of education, up-brining and organization of children’s leisure time as a form of psychological and pedagogical human activity aimed at satisfaction of recreational, relaxation, cultural, educative, creative and leisure needs and interests, stimulation of full life activities, provision of harmonious interactions between personality, on one side, and society on the other hand, through the process of mutual interaction between the subject and object of animated activity. Animated activity is performed in active forms of spending leisure time by using means and methods of cultural up-bringing and teaching influence. The purpose of such activities is to enable successful socialization, reveal individual qualities, talents and abilities and develop these talents and abilities for the good of the society and in close interaction with other individuals. The author of the article analyzes the principles of organization and functioning of animation involving children based on historical, typological, functional, comparative and other methods of research. The author offers her own definition of the principle of organization and functioning of animated activity in the system of education, up-bringing and organization of children’s leisure activity and provides a classification of these principles. In particular, the author underlines the following principles: 1) of humanization and democratism, 2) of cultural feasibility; 3) of interactivity and feedback; 4) of scientific verification; 5) of entirety, continuity and consistency in performance; 6) of openness and variability; 7) of individuation, dependence on individuality and developing potentials; 8) of reflexivity and existential analysis; 9) of combined entertainment and devotion (personal activity); 10) of combined professional competence and efficiency (productivity) of animators’ activities and the level of their ethics. The author analyzes each of the aforesaid principles and makes recommendations on how to improve and develop the system of education, up-bringing and organization of leisure time for the younger generation.


principle, animated activity, individuation, cultural feasibility, reflexivity, system, existential analysis, professional competence, ethics, variability.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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