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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Oleshkevich, V. I. Social Studies, Cultural Research and Methodological Concepts of Pyotr Galperin: New Possibilities to Develop Psychotechnics

Abstract: The author of the article raises a question about integration of methodological concepts offered by Galperin into the modern world psychology. Such integration is viewed in terms of history of culture and cultural and historical experience. In order to get a full and integrated insight into Galperin’s ideas, the latter are being analyzed from the point of view of social studies, cultural research, methodology and psychotechnics. The author of the article shows that the theory of stage-by-stage formation of mental activity in particular and Soviet psychology of activity in general have deep roots in Soviet culture and therefore represent solely Soviet cultural and historical experience. The author proves that such approach is very important in understanding and analyzing any psychological conception because all psychology is based on a particular cultural and historical matrix of social experience reflected. The author of the article also describes certain directions of developing Galperin’s views on psychology and methodology and stresses out their importance for psychological methodology, experimental psychology and reflexive analysis of psychological phenomena. In particular, the author shows possibilities in integration of Galperin’s ideas with Edmund Husserl’s phenomenological analysis and phenomenological psychology, existential analysis of the orientation phenomenon and etc. The author shows that analysis of the psyche concept as an orientational activity from the point of view of social studies would extend its phenomenological horizons and allow to expand the ontological base and psychotechnical opportunities of this branch of psychology. This also applies to expansion of the scope of applied psychology as well as psychological practice.


psychology, psychotecnics, methods, cultural research, social studies, activity, formation, orientation, reflection, phenomenology.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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