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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Andreev, I. L. BRAIN, TIME AND AUTHORITY: Evolution of Virtual Reality Into Real Virtuality

Abstract: Ethno-psychological researches carried out over the previous years and the author’s field work in 15 African countries (1962–2010) provide more and more evidence of space-and-time knowledge being a fundamental feature of human neuropsychic activity. Space-and-time environment is where virtual reality as a cognitive algorithm of human perception of the surrounding world is evolving into real virtuality of social and interpersonal relations involving structures of developing institutions. The primary authority was based on the cult of wise ancestors complemented with ancient traditions based on which population was ruled by the seniors of the tribe who did not have to provide for their living. It was caused by a need to distribute responsibilities within the area in order to perform community service, ritual events and military activities aimed at protecting and creating environmental and social grounds for production, life activities and sustainable development of a society.


human, brain, virtual reality, real virtuality, power, property, time, time-zone disease, psychology, space.

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