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Administrative and municipal law

Grishkovets, A.A. Disqualification of state civil servants.

Abstract: The article concerns legal and organizational problems regarding implementation of an administrative punishment in the form of disqualification of state servants. The author pays attention to a number of topical issues regarding application of disciplinary punishments, providing theoretical and practical examples, regarding guarantees of lawfulness and discipline within the system of state civil service, then formulating the propositions for the amendments into the current legislation. The issue of improving the quality of state administration in Russia is quite topical, and it is hardly imaginable that it can be done without the improvement of the mechanism of legal responsibility of state servants, including those in civil service. Analysis of the changes in the legislation of the late years, and first of all, the Federal Law of July 27, 2004 N. 79-FZ “On Civil State Service in the Russian Federation” and the Administrative Offences Code of the Russian Federation of 2001 allows to refer to two main vectors of development: administrative and disciplinary, with obvious preference for the first one over the latter one. However, it is doubtful that such a n attitude is viable. The p osition of the author is that t he mechanism of legal responsibility of state servants should be developed by improving its disciplinary element, including widening the scope of disciplinary punishments and detailed regulation of disciplinary procedure.


service, servant, official, system, punishment, disqualification, procedure, control, implementation, problem.

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