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Police activity

Serov, A.S. The position of legal subject and its implementation in the proceedings on administrative offence cases

Abstract: The studies of administrative procedural position of the participants of the administrative offence proceedings are quite topical. It is due to a number of factors, one of which concerns the fact that “legal position of the subject of law” is one of the key elements characterizing legal institutions. Additionally, the development of the Russian legislation on administrative offences had its share of difficulties and contradictions. Due to the abovementioned issues the studies the administrative procedural positions of the participants of the administrative offence proceedings may help us to uncover the contradictions in the Administrative Offences Code of the Russian Federation, precluding achievement of goals of the proceedings on the administrative offences goals. All of the above and a number of other circumstances require that the administrative law provisions on the status of participants of administrative offence proceedings are amended. The complex evaluation of the administrative procedural position of participants of administrative offence proceedings was not previously performed. This material may be of help for in-depth understanding of administrative legal position of the participants of administrative offence proceedings, as well as for the improvement of administrative jurisdictional activities of the internal affairs bodies. The legal position of the participants of administrative offence proceedings is also reflected in the current legislation. Their legal statuses define the interactions between the participants of administrative offence proceedings and the state. Before evaluating the definition and legal nature of the status of participants of administrative offence proceedings , it is necessary to establish the elements of the key categories, such as legal position and legal status.


participant, status, proceedings, control, regulation, position, obligation, process, rights, implementation.

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