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Police activity

Komakhin, B.N. Disciplinary responsibility of officials for corruption.

Abstract: The article contains analysis of nature, value and role of disciplinary activity of offi cials as legal means for guaranteeing equality of all persons under law and in court. Accent is made on the contents of administrative legal norms, providing for the responsibility for corruption. The author points out the administrative legal bases for the development of anti-corruption activities of state offi cials within the modernization framework. The author considers that in order to guarantee equality of all persons under law and in court, it is necessary to strengthen control and disciplinary responsibility of all subjects of state and municipal service. The population of the Russian Federation, living at the time of mass corruption, is gravely concerned with the cases, when state and municipal offi cials depart from the principle of equality of all persons under law and in court. The requirement of the Constitution of the Russian Federation to guarantee such equality is of special importance for the judges, arbitrators and jurors, who implement judicial functions and guarantee equal judicial protection of rights and freedoms to all.


corruption, service, responsibility, system, regulation, control, fighting, punishment, influence, sanction

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