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Administrative and municipal law

Kabanov, P.A. Definition of anti-corruption advertisement as a legal category: a regional aspect.

Abstract: In this article for the first time in the Russian legal science the author provides a comparative legal study of phenomenon of anti-corruption advertisement as universal means of anti-corruption propaganda aimed to form anti-corruption world-view and behavior. Taking into account the means of legal regulation of anti-corruption advertisement at the regional level, the author provides structural analysis of this matter. He singles out the following substantial elements of anti-corruption advertisement: a) contents — distribution of anti-corruption advertisement; b) consumers of anti-corruption advertisement — individuals capable of perceiving ant-corruption information; c) main goal of anti-corruption advertisement is to attract attention of the population to the problems of fighting corruption and formation of anti-corruption world view and anti-corruption behavior. Based upon the analysis of the key elements of anti-corruption advertisement the author offers his own definition of this instrument of anti-corruption policy as a legal category.


corruption, advertisement, social advertisement, fighting corruption, anti-corruption prophylactics, anti-corruption propaganda, anti-corruption advertisement, anti-corruption campaign, anti-corruption information.

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