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Administrative and municipal law

Kabanov, P.A. Definition and contents of anti-corruption propaganda as a legal category in the Russian regional anti-corruption legislation

Abstract: The article includes the comparative legal study of the contents of the legal category “anti-corruption propaganda” as used in the current Russian regional anti-corruption legislation. As a result of the study the author comes to a conclusion that the current Russian regional anti-corruption legislation has no unified approach towards the legal category of “anti-corruption propaganda”, so sometimes it gains various meanings, which do not correspond to its initial elements. The main reasons for the ambiguity within the legal category of “anti-corruption propaganda” in the regional anti-corruption legislation include lack of professionalism by the drafters of the regional anti-corruption legislation an lack of scientifically supported legal definition of this anti-corruption instruments and provisions for it in the federal normative legal acts. Based upon the study the author comes to a conclusion that there is need to scientifically develop a legal category of “anti-corruption propaganda” and to improve legal regulation of this type of anti-corruption activity.


corruption, fighting corruption, anti-corruption legislation, anti-corruption education, anti-corruption agitation, anti-corruption agitation, anti-corruption information, anti-corruption legislation, propaganda goals, subject of propaganda.

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