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Philosophy and Culture

Fedotova, V. G., Yakovleva, A. F. Science as the Phenomenon of Modern (Article No. 2)

Abstract: This is the continuation of the article ‘Science and Modernization’ published by V. Fedotova and A. Yakovleva in 2012 (Issue No. 9, P. 63-72). The present article is devoted to transformations in science under the influence of changing Modern. One of the results of such transformations is the variety of definitions of science and the ‘battle’ over definition, goals and efficiency of science caused by the effort to influence the organization of science and education. The author gives an estimation of the current situation of reformation of Russian science from the point of view of historical experience of functioning of science and social sciences, in particular, in the first, second and third periods of Modern. Due to the process of reformation of the Russian Academy of Sciences started by the Russian government, the author of the article analyzes particular periods in history of organization of science and education and makes conclusions about what is supposed to substitute for the academic school aimed at obtaining fundamental knowledge.


scientific community, humanitarian knowledge, science, social science, reforms in science, education, organization, personnel grading, forms of Modern, scientist.

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