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Politics and Society

Beregovaya, E.V. Justices of peace within the Russian political system (based on the sociological studies)

Abstract: The justices of peace deal with most of the judicial cases and their influence upon the political cognition of the people is large-scale. However, political aspects of this institution are not sufficiently studied. In order to find out the opinions on the role and perspectives of the justices of peace within the political system of Russia, the author held a poll among the justices of peace and the civil state servants from their staff in the Komi Republic and Perm region. The results of the sociological study showed the underestimation of the political role of the justices of peace by the very representatives of this institution, the vision of its perspective of development as a lowest branch of the judicial system. The topical scientific problem of dual status of a justice of peace was not supported as topical among the judges, working in current political and legal conditions. Among the factors influencing the independence of justices of peace the assignment of judges by the legislative bodies of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation was pointed out. It is not accidental, that the assignment of justices of peace by the highest judicial body of the constituent subject of the Russian Federation is supported. The results of the poll may be used for political and legal studies.


judicial power, justices of peace, political aspects, political role, perspectives of development, sociological poll, the Komi Republic, Perm region, justice of peace, political and legal status.

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