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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Bashanaeva, G. G. Foreign Psychologists’ Researches of Family as a Factor of Formation of Sanogenic Thinking Grounds in Children

Abstract: When writing this article, the author set a goal to study and analyze traditional views of foreign scientists on the causes of development of sanogenic thinking. Today the theory of development of sanogenic thinking in children and teenagers becomes a priority so it is very important to understand associated reasons and triggering events. The article is interesting because within the framework of studying sanogenic thinking, the author of the article describes and briefly analyzes the main schools of foreign psychology: interactionism, neobehaviorism, freudism, post-freudism and individual psychology. The author also views the theories of attachment and developmental deprivation. As a result, the author concludes that foreign psychology has the three main directions: psychiatric, psychological and socialpsychological. Each of these explains the influence of family as a social institution on development of child thinking. It can be also stated that the style of family up-brining can form both sanogenic and pategenic thinking in a child.


psychology, thinking, family, pathogenic, sanogenic, up-bringing, Freudism, neobehaviorism, theory, development.

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